Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Biography: I am relatively new to oil painting, having started in February of this year.
I use the 'wet on wet'oil painting technique.
To date I have painted around 14 paintings which are mainly landscape; sunsets, sunrises, mountains/trees.
I am keen to learn new techniques and welcome constructive advice.
I have 4 paintings that have been hung in people's homes which has given an enourmous boost to my confidence.
Please view my paintings and if you have any interest in purchasing please contact me via my e.mail address.
Thanks for taking the time to view my work.
Country: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
E-mail: bevpryor@hotmail.com