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Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Biography: My name is Manana N. Kligman (maiden name is Sakhvadze). I was born and grew up in the country of Georgia.
I was very good in drawing and was taking art classes during my school years.
After the graduation of the High school I went to undergraduate school of theatrical properties and was preparing dummies for sets in well known dramatic theater (Mardzanishvili) in Tbilisi.
OK, now comes the interesting part, in 1982 I was accepted to the State Academy of Arts (major in engraving and printmaking). I studied evolution of the arts from the day of creation till today, Egyptian and Ancient Greece, Gothic and Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern art. And of course I was trained to be an Artist myself. So after six challenging and most exciting years I graduated in 1988, with an MA degree and become a member of Yang Artists Association in Georgia.
I took part in some group exhibitions in Minsk, Moscow , Leningrad (now Sankt Petersburg) and Tbilisi. My lithographs were sold through various art galleries in Europe, especially in Italy and Germany.
In 1989 I came to America first time and fell in love with her. And after all this adventure, I took a break to be a full time Mom.
My other creations are two yang boys, we live now in America in New Jersey ten minutes from NYC. I've resumed my work in the art field again, thanks to my sponsors Lori & Richard Stein dedicated Scientologists and philanthropists and my friend from Georgia, Tsisana Kavtaradze.
My newest works will be on display at the ArtexpoNY in February 2008 in Javits Convention Center, see you there.
Country: United States
E-mail: Manana_Kligman@hotmail.com
Site: http://Mannart.us