Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
My art varies in differnt mediums. I don't specialize in any certain field, when something pops in my head, I just want to get it out, it dosen't really matter what medium I have closest to me.
Biography: I have been interested in art all of my life. It is my dream to one day become a Art teacher just like my mentor Justin Gregory. I hope to influence and inspire others with my artwork, and if not that, then I hope that it will bring some sort of happiness to them.
Country: United States
E-mail: iam2good4u300@msn.com
Site: Brennas Art