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The act of creating is limitless, because the work of art is infinite. To discover an increased nature, expressing it figuratively. The fantasy so that she has value and be eloquent with message, she should not stop to be realistic; and therefore, of being subject to the laws that configure the natural reality, such laws as the relative ones to the light and the perspective.
Everything is metaphoric, and the art is not another thing that the expressive interpretation of that allegorical reality. The Metaphor is an amalgam, and vice versa.
To get a magic formula that expresses a figure, a landscape, and a still life jointly, and..., all the realisms amalgamated in each one of the artworks. What I look for with my painting is the expression of a limitless reality, the everything in one or the diversity inside the unit.
I look for when I paint that the work has life and his identity, that herself arises spontaneously of their own nature... I only direc the Trance.
- Giralt is a painter in delicate ways; but in him it highlights the chromatic wealth, the force with which he studies the ochers, and the very peculiar vision of the tonalities. Disparate artist thar looks for the perception of figures and concrete molds, forqetting the environment but without stopping to relax, of working him with texture and relief; and always giving to the picture great part of the patent charm.
For him, the light makes a special sense. The game of clear and dark is something prominent, as well as the care of the volumes and the shapes.
Mario Vizca?no
- Juan Miguel Giralt makes a intimate painting that, however he wants to share with the spectator in a permanent dialogue. And everything it throught a contained color in which the ochers and the gray ones prevail, enriched by the veiled painting's translucent layers.
Maria Aurora Viloria
Art Critic
- In the Giralt works, the profiles or stood out contours is come or enhanced by chromatic accumulations, those that originate textural impressions to the composition contributing or even improving the perspective and enlarging its spacely. Paintings in those that manifests a constant thematic fidelity, defined trhough their landscapes, intimate visions symbolized in their profiled, insinuate, and expectant feminine nudes; and still lives inhabited by daily objects, full of metaphor and mysticism.
Works those of this painter, located stylistically in the figurative expressionism.
Francisco Vicent Gald?n
Art Critic
- For Giralt, the concept of promoting that the picture is an everything, a cell of something absolute, it continues constituting the main reason of its work. The background and the shapes, concentrated all in a figure or in a landscape.
The insinuation continues being essential to wake up the spectator's imagination, to make him participant, active entity of a total creation.
Pedro Aguilar
Biography: BIOGRAPHY:
Juanmiguel Giralt was born in Barcelona in 1953. To very early age he goes to Madrid with his family, being developed in this Capital starting from then, so much his first vital stages, as the rising and very diversified journey of training of their artistic abilities.
He carries out the habitual process of primary and superior Studies, graduating in Sciences; passing later to the University to study Architecture. Likewise for that time and also at university level, he enters in diverse art's academic Centers where he receives classes of Drawing and Painting. Later on, he also enters in some specific educational Academies, to make different Industrial Desing and Artistic Applications courses.
Already in the professional environment that from then on has gone taking natural protagonism, he has shown their artworks in numerous exhibitions so much singular as collective, for good part of the Spanish Territory. Equally their works also have international presence, in charge of national Galleries and foreigners.
Theirs Paintings in this moment can be contemplated in the wide Rooms of diverse Official Organisms, of Hotel historical Constructions (Inns, Castels,...), and Private Collections.
Country: Spain
E-mail: contact01@jmgiralt.com
Site: Pictures and new artist paintings-gallery-JMGiralt