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In this paintings I would like to represent last two cycles of my paintings.Name of the first is LIGHT and second one is BRAZILWOOD.
In painting I am above all concerned with light and color.My color is "Serbian color" and in our country colors are for centuries always used to paint icons precisely to canons - as the faith is laying down the law.One of essential canons is light projecting out of the being, not only reflecting out of some other light sources.I do respect that admirable memory my colors posses and hear them attentively when they give me lessons where I may find out the light.That is why cycle Light has in the plan to evince that light of life.I wanted to represent deluge of light beauty that overwhelm us every day, beauty on which we, may be , do not pay enough attention.
Cycle BRAZILWOOD is addressing to the earliest beginnings.Brazilwood for centuries was the only red color- until industrial colors was not found - we Serbs colored Easter eggs.That is the reason why this color,this nuance of red has deep mystical sense for me,so,by using that color and clearly white light, I tried to walk down in some of archetypal century-old memories and meanings that do not belong only to us living on these areas, but to all mankind.
Biography: She was born in Belgrade.She graduated on the Faculty of Drama in Belgrade.She has been exhibiting since 1988 and since that time she is completely devoted to painting.She arranged 25 solo exhibitions in the country and abroad.
Country: Serbia
E-mail: ronwood@ikomline.net