Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Erin is seeking to become a clear and fluent conductor for the energy that she draws inspiration from and the materials that she works with, so that they may converse freely with each other and with their surrounding environment. She paints because she is curious to see what she will make next and because she enjoys watching perception, emotion, experience and thought become tangible. She has learned much about life through exploration of the act of creation as a microcosm and she looks forward to watching as life further elucidates art and as art delves deeper into life.
Biography: Erin Kathleen Hilleary has been painting in Seattle since 1995. She has worked consistently with several galleries and non-profit organizations throughout this time, as well as collaborated on large-scale mural and fundraising projects. She regards image-creation as a powerful tool, to be used in healing the sadness in our world and in the individuals who live with her work.
She is currently drawing conceptual energy from the symbolic leavings of a matriarchal Neolithic civilization that inhabited Bosnia and the surrounding Balkan Area and eventually spread out all over Europe. Based on the archeological work of Marija Gimbutas, Erin attempts to exemplify, in her paintings, the reverence that this ancient civilization had for every aspect of existence. She wishes to bring light to the beauty that lies beneath a land consumed by turmoil and pain. Many of her paintings effectively paint themselves, as these concepts want so badly to return to civilization.
Country: United States
E-mail: erin@kathleenhilleary.com