Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
all pictures are black ballpoint pen any pen can be used but most commonly these are preferrable, they are all draft pieces and not final pieces alot of my work is in draft because i am constantly coming up with new concepts and ideas,also the work is done by pen once i have put the pen to paper the next time it comes off the piece is finished i will never go back to this art piece this can be arbitrary or due to tiredness in being able to draw continously. As things around me change a new picture is created. The overall simplicity detracting depth, colour composition of the picture is a release from standard art, the art itself is limited and has definition related to conceptual renaissance of art taking away any particular academic inheritence or derived copy from (overall) previous works etc they stand alone, seperate and have a development of as i percieve nothing and the way i relate it to my art and through to extensions of the world and its vast complexity broken down into simplicity and nothingness.
Country: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
E-mail: koogook@hotmail.co.uk