N? Barros uses colour harmonies and calligraphic elements to imbue his paintings with action and movement. The overlaid calligraphy is as energizing as syncopated jazz rhythms. His ceaseless search for new means of expression and deep interest in ancient and oriental calligraphy led him to synthesize the stark shadow and light play of his Portuguese homeland with the speed and cacophony of modern life. In” profundezas” Barros, divides the canvas into two halves and further delineates the surface into three distinct horizontal bands is visionary and spiritual. In the center, the underlying structure is covered with reed-thatched, ochre calligraphic symbols while the bottom is slashed with assertive vertical ochre lines. “Escombros” a one-third, two-thirds vertical composition with a pale shadow of a figure on the left, has areas scraped and reworked for additional texture and visual interest. Adjacent is sulphur –blue mushroom cloud billowing forth from dark tapestry background textured with red, orange and yellow. Grey writing covers the canvas like unravelled skins of wool. Barros studied at the National Society of Fine arts at Lisbon. His paintings have been included in numerous solo and group exhibitions.
Art mine resource – New york
Grande Artista, preparato alla grande scalata nel difficile monde della “Belle Arti”. Presente con l’opera d’arte dal titolo: “SOL NASCENTE” un opera di grande rispetto. In questa meravigliosa opera, il bravo e preparato artista, dimostra de possedere un grande talento e una grande capacit? de “dialogare” con la tavolozza, cercando un rapporto confidenziale e comunicativo, basato sulla ricerca di un “bello” molto profondo e allo stesso modo tutto contemporaneo, da permettere all’attento osservatore di aprire un dialogo anche affettivo con l’opera stessa.
In questa sua opera d’arte, “SOL NASCENTE” l’attento amatore d’arte, sogna un mondo nuovo, basato sulla prospettiva, rilasciata alla natura. Messaggi incrociati, sono presenti sull’opera stessa, un forte dialogo con i colori, molto bene distribuiti in modo perfetto all’interno del sole. Un sole, ricco di augurio, per un mondo migliore, un mondo dove l’uomo, l’artista possa ritrovarsi in un giorno non lontano per poter dialogaro com l’intero “creato”. Approvo la sua pittura e mi congratulo con l’autore, augurando molti successi nel mondo dell’Arte.
Grande Artista, preparado ao grande n?vel no dif?cil mundo da “Bela Arte”. Apresenta com a obra de arte sob o t?tulo: “SOL NASCENTE" uma obra de grande respeito. Nesta maravilhosa obra, o corajoso e preparado artista, mostra possuir um grande talento e uma grande capacidade de dialogar com a paleta, mantendo uma rela??o confidencial e comunicativa, baseado na procura de um modo belo muito profundo e igualmente todo contempor?neo, permite tamb?m ao observador atento encetar um di?logo afectivo com o mesmo trabalho.
Nesta sua obra de arte, “SOL NASCENTE" o cuidadoso amador de arte, sonha um mundo novo, baseado na perspectiva, liberta a natureza. Mensagens cruzadas, est?o presentes no mesmo trabalho, um forte di?logo com as cores, que muito bem distribuiu de modo perfeito dentro do sol. Um sol, rico de aug?rio, para um mundo melhor, um mundo onde o homem, o artista possa reencontrar-se num dia n?o long?nquo para poder dialogar com a absoluta “cria??o”. Aprovo a sua pintura e congratulo-me com o autor, desejando muito sucesso no mundo da arte.
Giovanni Mazzetti -critico de arte
Open to galleries and artdealers inquire
Biography: N? Barros
Born in Almada, Portugal, 1964
Artist's Statement ::
My art is about what is inside and vulnerable in me, searching for the ancient and oriental calligraphies. My interests are reflected in the act of painting. Movement and speed are important. Synthesis of automatism and improvising, tools to create something new, based in medium of light conception, is my aim.
My form is to see and to feel the art results of an interior space, that allows that all the colours, shapes, expressions and languages cohabit in balance.
The abstraction is the purest and spiritual art form, because it's about essence rather than appearance, and the priority of the abstract over other art styles is that it allows for more than just one interpretation, and the viewer is free to dream about it, without edges of the world we live and see. I'm an abstract painter working in acrylic and mixed media. After I am finished with a my work, I disappear and the paintings don't need my presence to explain it's composition and they talk alone with the viewer.
Education :
School of Art – National Society of “ Belas Artes “, Lisbon, Portugal
Solo Exhibitions:
1998: Amora Art Library, Seixal, Portugal
1999: Real Musical, Lisbon, Portugal
2000: Cardaes Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
2000: Vila D’Arte Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
2001: “Ler Devagar” Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal
2001: Montijo Museum, Montijo, Portugal
2002: Belo Belo Gallery, Braga, Portugal
2003: Espa?o D’art Gallery, S. Louren?o, Portugal
Group Exhibitions:
1998 : Almada Culture Office, Almada, Portugal
1999: Electrician Museum, Lisbon, Portugal
1999:Santiago Gallery, Palmela, Portugal
1999: A.M. Gallery, Corroios, Portugal
2000: Gallery Center, Lisbon, Portugal
2000: BeloBelo Gallery, Braga, Portugal
2000: Art Gallery D.G.S.A., Lisbon, Portugal
2001: Santiago Gallery, Palmela, Portugal
2001: National Society Centenary, Lisbon, Portugal
2001: Agora Gallery, New York, United States
2002: International Hall D’Arts, Barcelona, Spain
2002: Gallery Center, Lisbon, Portugal
2002: International Art, Lerida, Spain
2002: XVIII Prize Internacional, Lleida, Spain
2002: Art Hall of Belas Artes, Lisbon, Portugal
2003: Santiago Gallery, Palmela, Portugal
2003: Italy 2003, Livorno, Italy
Art Afairs:
2002: Artexpo New York, United States
2002:MAC21, Marbella, Spain
2002: ArtePadova2002, Padova, Italy
2003: Artexpo New York, United States
Honour Mention International Hall Plastic Arts, Barcelona, Spain
Great Prize 2003 Italy, Vada, Livorno, Italy
Great necklace, Accademia Gentilizia “Il Marzocco” – Firenze – Italy
Great Prize Terra D'Etruria 2003" - Grosseto -Italy
1? Prize “alTreball de Textura” – 12? International Hall Plastic Arts, Barcelona
Prize Alfonso Arana - Sal?o ACEA?S BARCELONA 2003 - Associacion International de Pl?stica Latina ( Fran?a)
Art organizations:
” Belas Artes ” National Society, Lisbon, Portugal
ANAP, Porto, Portugal
ACEA’S, International Plastic Artists, Barcelona, spain
Imargem, Almada, Portugal
ARTES, Seixal, Portugal
Art Academies:
Academic Associated Degree – ART- Accademia Internazionale “ Greci-Marino”, Italy
Gentilizio Academic- Paint - Araldica Accademia Internazionale, “ IL Marzocco “, Firenze, Italy
New Art International, Book Art Press, N.Y., United States
Imobili?ria, Art. Magazine, Lisbon, Portugal
Art Book “Imargem”, Almada, Portugal
Artist year Book 2003, Barcelona, Spain
Modern Art Diccionary, Italy
Artes, “movie documentary” , NETCABO
Private collections: Portugal, France, United States, Spain
Public Collections: Montijo Museum; Seixal Hall; Arruda dos Vinhos Museum,
Country: Portugal
E-mail: nebarros@nebarros.com
Site: http://www.nebarros.com