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Vada Mitchell is the founding artist of dumbnicefortheuncool, which is a collective of few elite artist that have the same vision, and plan to act on modern falsehoods that society brings upon our communities. The power of Art is very colossal, and can lead the human mind back or forward. In The Republic, Plato denounced art as mere imitation. For Hegel, too, art was subordinate to philosophy; in 1828 he wrote that art "in its highest vocation, is and remains for us a thing of the past." We must, with all our might prove this to be false. From the moment that art ceases to be food that feeds the best minds, the artist can use his talents to perform all the tricks of the intellectual charlatan. Most people can today no longer expect to receive consolation and exaltation from art. Pablo Picasso says in 1952, “Myself, since the advent of Cubism, have fed these fellows what they wanted and satisfied these critics with all the ridiculous ideas that have passed through my mind. The less they understood them, the more they admired me.” Our goal is not to make the observer confused, but to make them understand the range of the mind and its beauty. Moreover, our ultimate goal as a collective is to take our community outside of stained concrete and food & liquor carryouts. Our Philosophy is determining the truth about our surroundings through all angles of art, in a way we may apply this truth to life. Likewise, the greatest Art is founded on profound truths that express the wonder and beauty of our relationship to the universe. It is clear in the dumbnicefortheuncool philosophy that the world that we see around us is not the real world, but our mind’s representation of our senses. The sky is not blue; this is something that our minds create. This, to us, opens up interesting possibilities for Art. For our mind represents reality, likewise our Art is also created by representation. Thus Art has the potential to correct the errors of our mind’s representation of reality, by a further representation of Art that overcomes these naive real illusions to see things as they truly are...dumb. Peace.
Biography: Vada Mitchell is the founding artist of dumbnicefortheuncool, which is a collective of few elite artist that have the same vision, and plan to act on modern falsehoods that society brings upon our communities. The power of Art is very colossal, and can lead the human mind back or forward. In The Republic, Plato denounced art as mere imitation. For Hegel, too, art was subordinate to philosophy; in 1828 he wrote that art "in its highest vocation, is and remains for us a thing of the past." We must, with all our might prove this to be false. From the moment that art ceases to be food that feeds the best minds, the artist can use his talents to perform all the tricks of the intellectual charlatan. Most people can today no longer expect to receive consolation and exaltation from art. Pablo Picasso says in 1952, “Myself, since the advent of Cubism, have fed these fellows what they wanted and satisfied these critics with all the ridiculous ideas that have passed through my mind. The less they understood them, the more they admired me.” Our goal is not to make the observer confused, but to make them understand the range of the mind and its beauty. Moreover, our ultimate goal as a collective is to take our community outside of stained concrete and food & liquor carryouts. Our Philosophy is determining the truth about our surroundings through all angles of art, in a way we may apply this truth to life. Likewise, the greatest Art is founded on profound truths that express the wonder and beauty of our relationship to the universe. It is clear in the dumbnicefortheuncool philosophy that the world that we see around us is not the real world, but our mind’s representation of our senses. The sky is not blue; this is something that our minds create. This, to us, opens up interesting possibilities for Art. For our mind represents reality, likewise our Art is also created by representation. Thus Art has the potential to correct the errors of our mind’s representation of reality, by a further representation of Art that overcomes these naive real illusions to see things as they truly are...dumb. Peace.
Country: United States
E-mail: dumbnicefortheuncool@gmail.com