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Most of my work, both visual and written, is semi-autobiographical and centres around a domestic scene, often against a backdrop of Swansea Bay. The same, semi-fictional characters appear in the paintings, poems and stories, which are an on-going series.
Biography: Born Swansea 1942. Painter and illustrator as well as a poet and short story writer. Numerous one-man exhibitions and several collections of poems and short stories. Two plays (one in collaboration with poet and novelist Lloyd Rees), both staged in the Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea. First participant in the Canadian/Welsh Writers' Exchange (with Canadian poet Al Purdy) Poems recorded for several Dial-a-Poem schemes and for two records from EMI. He has performed his work on radio and television, in this country and abroad and was recently one of the subjects of a B.B.C.2 documentary, "Sea Views". Winner of the Eric Gregory Award for poetry and the Leslie Moore Award for painting. Recent publications include "To Liu and All Mankind" (Tooth and Nail Press),"Music You Don't Normally Hear" (Alun Books, 3 Crown St. Port Talbot) and "LMNTRE Poems" by Vernon Watkins, illustrated by Alan Perry (Ty Llen Publications, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea). He is married to an artist and has two sons.
For further information, see review/article: "Warning Lights: A Critical Appreciation of Alan Perry, Painter-Writer" by John Beynon in Poetry Wales, volume 24 no. 3, pages 6-13.
Also: "Outside the Coteries", Alan Perry in conversation with Stephen Knight in Planet, volume 146, pages 49-62. Including 6 poems by Perry and Knight.
More of his work, including the above article and interview, can be viewed on the Webshots.com website under the user name of 'Alunperry'
Alan Perry's latest books are "Dreaming from North to South",a New and Selected Poems and "Days of the Comet", a New and Selected Stories. (Published by Moonstone Press and both available from the Welsh Books Council - www.gwales.com.)
Country: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
E-mail: alan.perry2@ntlworld.com
Site: http://www.