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I am a figurative painter, living in Germany and in Croatia, graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Duesseldorf.
My motives range from landscape, figure, portrait to stillife with an emphasis on mediterranien subjects.
I am specialized in watercolor, oilpainting,drawing, collage and photography.
I also provide handsigned high quality ARTprints and ARTcards on custom
order via internet.
Biography: Study:
Painting, Philosophy, History of Art and Germanistics at
Acedemy of Fine Arts D?sseldorf and University Cologne
born in Essen, Germany
Individual Exhibitions (selection):
1984/85/86/87/88 Haus Br?ck, Erkrath
1987 Haus der Kunst, Burscheid
1988 Deutsche Bank, Erkrath
1989 Galleria Il Saggiatore, Rom
1990 Living Media, K?ln
1991 Kunstverein Grevenbroich
1992 Preistr?ger ‘SelbstPortrait’, BBK D?sseldorf
1994 ‘Brandzeichen’, Alte Dorfschmiede, D?sseldorf
1997/98 Galerie Tempel, Krefeld
1999/2001 exposition serielle, KulturOFEN NRW.
2001 SEB, Neu-Isenburg (Catalog)
BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
Group Exhibitions (selection):
1986-1987 4. und 5. Kunstausstellung Gerresheim, D?sseldorf
1988 Kreiskunstausstellung Mettmann, B?rgerhaus Leichlingen
1989 ‘Utopia', Haus Hildener K?nstler, Hilden
1990 ‘Kunstspektrum ’90’, Kunstpalast, D?sseldorf (Katalog)
‘Prisma ’90’, Alte Feuerwache, Castrop
1991 ‘SelbstPortrait’, BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
1992 ‘Licht und Feuer’, BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
1992/93 ‘K?nstler f?r Dubrovnik’, Landesmuseum Volk u. Wirtschaft, D?sseldorf
1994 ‘Kunst / Krieg’, internationale Ausstellung, Aachen (Katalog)
1995 ‘Sperr-Gut’, Thyssen-Trade-Center, D?sseldorf (Katalog)
1996 ‘Die D?sseldorfer ’96’, Kunstpalast, D?sseldorf (Katalog)
1997 ‘Weibsbilder / Mannsbilder’, BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
‘Zeitgleich: Die Farben Wei?’, BBK, D?sseldorf (Katalog)
1998 ‘R?ume / Perspektiven’, BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
1999 ‘Bewegung / Raum’, BBK-Kunstforum, D?sseldorf
seit 2000 Galerie ars longa vita brevis, Dubrovnik
2002 ‘SOLO f?r 12’, Tanzhaus NRW, D?sseldorf
KUK-Galerie, Erkrath
2003 Kunstraum Notkirche, Essen
Country: Germany
E-mail: 4u@annamariagrill.de
Site: Art Works