Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
My best work is completely improvisational. It comes from outside my self, from a place unknown to my self where the art takes on a life of it's own and creates it's self. I try very hard not to categorize my work, or create any boundaries for it. If I find myself thinking to much about it, that's when I loose my creative flow. Each piece must be allowed to take on that life of it's own and show me where to put that next brush stroke. This approach has become almost meditative, zen like for me. It is at these times when I reach this place that the gift that is given to all us artists rears its head and gives the world one more thing of beauty.
Biography: Born September 2nd 1974 I was creative from the get go. From what my parents have told me I was born to be an artist. My mother has told me countless times of a time when I was in kindergarten and my family had come to my open house night at my school and the teacher came over to point out my artwork on the wall to my mom calling me the next Picasso. Well I don't know about being the next Picasso but there's little doubt in my mind that I was put on this earth to create things to add beauty to this world.
All through school my best subject was always, you guessed it, art. as I struggled through almost every other subject, I could always count on that A+ in art. In high school ( Pacific Shores Private High School)I won countless awards in the arts and was given the honer of designing the cover for my senior year book as well as doing all the artwork for the inside of the book. wile in high school I was also a first place winner in the Color It Orange Student Art Contest which won me a scholarship to The Art Institute of Southern California from there I also attended Saddle Back College where I have to say they have an excellent art department, I learned and honed most of my technical abilities here.
Since then I have been doing graphic design work for musical groups and small companies as well as pursuing my career as a fine artist.
Country: United States
E-mail: sleepymoon@cox.net
Site: Visit artists official website