Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Inspiration surrounds us constantly. For me, it's the simple beauty found around every corner. Unnoticed moments and places captured in an instant, forever there to share, telling a story without using words.
-Elias Billington
Biography: Ever since I can remember my family encouraged me to be creative. We never had the means for many material possessions, so acquiring even the simplest camera wasn’t feasible. I took to drawing my surroundings as I saw them, even at a young age, tweaking reality to show off life’s hidden beauties. By the time I turned eight or so it was obvious to my mother that I preferred paper and pencil to television and G.I. Joe.
Growing up we moved around frequently. We lived all over the world. I couldn’t keep up with my paper and pencil…the places, people and cultures were becoming harder to capture. I began to express my need for a camera. Finally a couple of years later I got my first camera, an old German hand-me-down Agfa 35mm. I began to shoot everything. I used my meager allowance only for film and developing. Over time I upgraded to a Canon SLR, sold a few pictures for a modest price, won a couple of competitions and was published in an annual artists catalog. As I grew older, interests changed. In my early twenties I began studying graphic arts, design and illustration, my love for photography neglected. It was during this time my voyage into technology became an awakening. I realized that during my hiatus, photography had come a long, long way. Almost immediately I purchased my first Digital SLR and began to fill the void that had begun the instant I set down my camera. I never looked back.
I like to think I tell a story without using words. Everything is an inspiration, every moment a possibility. Photography allows me to live the life I love and share the world as I see it.
As I continue to grow and my work evolves I hope to inspire others. If you enjoy my work as much as I have enjoyed creating it then I have accomplished my ultimate goal.
Country: United States
E-mail: eliasb.photo@gmail.com
Site: Elias Billington Photography