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Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
In today’s world, computers are used to simplify our lives. However, as an artist, I find computers and the digital world to be tools that must be taken seriously, because they inherently reflect the artist and his work. If my work is considered in its mathematical and digital realm, then we can see the duality of the human created art and the binary basis of digitizing. It is of the greatest importance that the humanity of the artists reveals itself truly and is not overshadowed by the technology. It is within these considerations that I come to a dilemma where I must find artistic parameters within the unlimited power of technology. When my work is saved as a psd file in Adobe Photoshop, I am at liberty to change, alter, or rework my pieces at will. My pieces, as stored files, remain alive and not complete with the resoluteness of, for example, a painting. Therein lies the challenge of finding closure and the end point to all the pieces.
While the technology poses challenges, I find my expression in the limitless possibilities of producing my art in any shape or size allowable. Having this digital world as my artist’s tools allows me to cross-reference literature and poetry with imagery. It is within the layering and the cross-referencing that the artist’s character and soul emerge. To me, each layer is another virtual poem laid upon another one. My works contained hundreds of layers, each seperate as it’s own poem, yet each connect to all as a whole. My goal is create a new genre of digital art, what I call “virtual poems”.
Horkay Istvan
Biography: Horkay Istvan
Was born on1945 in Budapest, Hungary
After graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Budapest in 1964, Horkay was invited to attend the Academy of Fine Arts inCracow -Poland, the Major Art and Cultural Center of Eastern Europe, where he received his Master of Fine Arts.He continued his Studies at he Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. (1968) and did additional Post graduate work atthe Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest. (1971)
Horkay studied under the Internationallyknow Artist and Theater DirectorTadeusz Kantor as well as Professors, M. Weimann and J.Nowosielski. Palle Nielsen/Danmark/ He received Diplomas in Graphic Arts, Painting, and Film Animation.
Country: Hungary
E-mail: ihorkay@yahoo.com
Site: http://www.horkay.com