Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Artist Statement
Photography is a relaxing diversion from the routine of my day. For most of my life, I’ve had an interest in photography. The interest gets stronger as I get older. The images I take, how I see and what I see, are a reflection of my personality. What you see is who I am.
I have always been attracted to science and the natural world. Nature has many treasures to offer us. My interest in landscapes and natural forms was inspired by the large format camera and the Group f.64. What I like about f.64 is the sharp detail throughout the image, foreground and background. I also like night photography, moving headlights and star trails, give the illusion of movement through time. It is not a frozen moment but a specific length of time moving forward.
The black and white images in my portfolio were taken with a 4x5 large format camera and 35mm single lens reflex. The color images are scanned from 35mm film and processed through a computer.
I want my images to create an interest in the wonders of nature. To show how you do not have to go far for the experience. Nature is in your own neighborhood, in your own back yard. Enjoy it when you can.
Biography: I got my first camera when I was about twelve. It was a Polaroid Big Swinger. A package of film, eight black and white images in a convenient package, was quite expensive for an unemployed twelve year old. So Mom and Dad would spring for film on special occasions.
After I graduated high school, I bought my first real camera; a Minolta SRT 201 35 mm single lens reflex. What’s a single lens reflex? I didn’t know, but it seemed to be popular at the time.
I started taking photos of everything; animals, sporting events, home coming queens, and even a few weddings. Then I discovered astrophotography. I was in heaven so to speak. I bought a telescope and figured out how to mount the camera to the telescope. Some images were o.k. some were disappointing. Once in a while I would get a good shot.
Then life caught up with me. I had to get a real job, because I was going to get married in a year. Photography and astronomy had to take a back seat. Since then I’ve raised three girls, and sent them off to college, (Still trying to get them out of the house).
Now it’s my turn for college. Better late than never. I’m taking photography at Owens Community College. What else? I’m enjoying myself, meeting lots of interesting people and making lots of friends and contacts. I hope to graduate in the near future.
In the meantime, I bought my wife a digital camera for her birthday,(Canon 4.1 meg), and on weekends we go off on little trips to shoot photos.
That’s it for now, but keep in touch, there will be more to come.
Jeff Vogelpohl
Country: United States
E-mail: Jeffvogie@aol.com