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Personal Statement for Wolverhampton visual anthropological study -
Wolverhampton is a town in central England that was important in the industrial era, now it is almost a completely different place with most of the industry being removed. The old town was so busy that the smoke and fog from the factories used to cover all the buildings in a black carpet of dust and coal, it was known as the “black country”. What is left behind is a shell.
My anthropological study is made from a collection of 600 slides taken between 2001-02; people, industry, commerce, housing; local media and public space were all recorded.
On reflection, the portfolio shows the random nature of photography and why the photographer takes a picture, does he think before, during or after the shutter has been released?
The place of living, the collection of people, open spaces and buildings all combine to create an urban environment. This environment dictates to an extent how we can or cannot live. The work is a document belonging that specific place and time. It is part art, part science.
Statement for colour work
I am overwhelmed by colour. Unlike black and white, where I can control the image and tonal range, both in camera and the darkroom. With colour I am always on the defensive. Many of the images are blurred or out of focus. The information of colour is too much for me to comprehend. Colour is trying to stop me taking a photograph. Am I photographing colour or the subject? Subject matter is random; the colour always wins over my subject. Colour is energy, I cannot shape it, I sunburn easily. The camera machine bends the light onto my negative absorbing the colour. I can only watch the image afterwards, I have no control.
Biography: Since graduating in 2002 I have worked as a freelance photographer and started an online art gallery.
I studied fine art photography at Wolverhampton University, England. Since then I have not had opprtunity nor time to exhibit or think about my work in great detail having worked full time. I have taken some photographs between 2002-04, mainly in colour.
From June 2005, I hope to spend half my time on photography and contribute in a fleetingly small way to photography.
Country: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
E-mail: jonathantalks@hotmail.com
Site: Jonathan Talks @ sol gallery