Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
I believe art transcends all language and is the ultimate means of preserving a generation, and even an age. If done write it can even influence the direction civilization takes in moving forward. Take the Renaissance for instance. This movement in art and human complexity brought us from the dark ages into the modern times, and no movement to date has impacted us in such a global and irreversible way. I don't expect to become the next DaVinci, but I do hope to bring the subcultures of the world to the forefront of accepted society through the print industry and the Graphic Design medium.
I friggin’ hate ‘About Me’s. I also hate having to say I hate about mes every time I fill one of these out. I would make an effort to take advantage of the wonderful and oh so perplexing copy and paste features my computer can perform, but why? I just filled in a big chunk of this thing by talking about filling it in. Insanity is fun.
Moving on, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at a very young age, and have been admitted into the psych ward a total of 26 times from age 5 to 16. I really don’t think I have a problem (much like everybody else with a ‘mental illness’). You see I have a theory: Medication doesn’t make you feel better, it just makes you easier to tolerate. It’s society’s little way of saying “you have the natural born right to your own identity - but we get to choose it.” It is, sadly, the human condition to believe ‘I am right, you are wrong’. And to each individual person they are actually right about being right. No matter how subjective you think you are you will never see the world through the eyes of someone else. What is pink to you is magenta to somebody else. And in the end we all suffer the same fate, so when you’re lying in your death bed about to kick the bucket, does it really freakin’ matter what color it was? I think not.
Another thing about society that bothers me is that we are expected to hide certain aspects of ourselves that everyone possesses. We all have sex, yet none of us talk about it. We all void our bowels, but when the time comes we say we need to ‘freshen up’. The human criteria was created by human beings and they themselves didn't live up to it behind closed doors. And still to this day every last one of us has ourselves, and the ideal. If this ideal was created in an effort to maintain order, why, if in depth we are ultimately the same, does there need to be two of us? If everything we see is a facade, we may know nothing of the true human being at all, and the only authenticity we can find is within ourselves. After so many years spent having this ideal beat into us at childhood, how accurate is that source anyway?
When you question the order, you become a threat to the order and ultimately to society as a whole. This is the kind of thinking that landed me in the wacky bin. Well that and asking questions like ‘where do you draw the line between religion and insanity, is it how close you think you are to God?’ That's a rhetorical question by the way.
List of things that piss me off:
- Hippies that bitch because I’m a commercial artist and ‘commercialism is bad man’, only to go home, take off their Dr. Martens and flick on their Sony Playstations. Listen you dirty hippie, don’t piss and moan about my line of work then turn around and spend MY hard earned cash by blowing your Welfare check on reefer and granola bars. Besides, if you’re dumb enough to buy what I sell you, that’s on you.
- People who overcompensate for what they lack and selfishly victimize others in the process.
- Religious fanatics. Their supposed god is more real than anyone else’s supposed god. Nice goin’. I have yet another theory: Until you can die and come back to say ‘hey, jews were right’ it’s all a shot in the dark anyway.
Country: United States
E-mail: kerri.r.nichols@gmail.com
Site: Exo Carthage | Undead Design