A constant desire for change drives me to roam this earth, naturally exploring and experimenting with life and this planet in search of knowledge, understanding, and the purpose behind it all. Body and mind constantly progress throughout life together, though my mind continues to reserve its right to wander off alone at any point in time. Demanding activity endlessly, even when in solace, it used to seem as if I never stopped thinking. My thoughts would just go on and on and on... Until now.
Peace, calm, and a feeling of being whole - pure happiness - pour into me the second I pick up my brush. After so many years of noise, there is finally silence. And I enjoy it. The brush and canvas dance together almost on their own, drawing out my soul, creating something new, beautiful, and exciting. Something I am then able to share with the world in thanks for the many gifts I have received throughout my life. I am able to give them me.
It is here, through my work, that the world is able to see me, to feel me, to breathe me, to be touched by me any way they choose, and to see themselves (the world) through my eyes. In this moment of insanity comes flash of fusion as Artist, Canvas, and World become one, a single entity united only briefly, the moment fading almost faster than it came.
That is art. We are all standing in this world alone; blind, bare and naked... Vulnerable yet willing. We all have knowledge to offer, laughter to give, love to share, secrets to guard, and much to gain.
We all have ourselves. And we have those who see, love and accept us for that... and that alon
Biography: story:
I am not quite sure what inspired me to plunge into the world of arts as I did; my brother critically insulting my drawings as a child and the need to prove him wrong, looking at my mother’s sketchbooks from High School, a constant urge to escape, drifting off and traveling to unimagined places far away, the nagging desire to be different and unique, wanting to express myself freely as I always seemed to be misunderstood, being bored with life in general, lacking interest in the subjects I was expected to study though they all came so easily to me, just wanting a taste of something new, or the sophisticated artist lifestyle society so naively paints for us all…
Though I cannot recall individualized elements of which lured me in, the ambiance by which I was captivated will forever remain.
Imagine finding a place of serenity; a place balanced by purity and laughter, guidance and hope ,warmth and welcoming, equality and respect, success and individualism, encouragement and support, a love for the unique and eccentric side of everyone, praise and acceptance,… A place of REALITY.
Average people see this place is as unattainable as it is surreal. To a 13-year old girl? A Fairy-Tale! Yet, in the midst of my Junior-High Career I found this Fairy-Tale Land and my new home; Art Class. And so I began…
And I didn’t stop.
More than intrigued, I became mesmerized by Art and all things considered such. Architecture, clothing, make-up, furniture, nature, magazine lay-outs, cars, cities, sculpture, hair, drawing, painting… And the overall beauty of creating for the sake of creation.
From my new borne appreciation grew greater self-confidence, allowing me to explore the artist inside me fearlessly. No matter the media, if I were presented the opportunity to study an art, I took it. For the next 4 years of my life were spent in the shadows of Pottery, Sculpture, Watercolour, Acrylic and Oil Painting, Drawing, Jewelry, Cooking, and even Sewing.
With technology closing in, Computer and Graphic Arts presented the most logical step in my career at the time. Acquiring a formal education in the field of Computer Graphics seemed the natural bridge that would close the gap between corporate success and fine arts.
Thus, I walked the path.
I am not sure if life got in my way or if I got in life’s way, but the path I chose led to mundane Corporate America where I turned into just another… Intrigued but not passionate about Computer Arts, consumed by the worries of day-to-day life, and seeking instant gratification in my work; these were just a few of the influences which pulled me away from the arts.
Over the years, I began to accept comfort as happiness, ignoring the emptiness building inside me. Though nothing brought me nearly as much happiness as my arts, I constantly sought to find that dream career.
Almost a decade later and suddenly immersed in change, I broke free of my Corporate shell, setting out to find myself AGAIN in this world.
And I did it.
I found love. I found support. I found freedom. I found happiness.
And I have finally returned home; to the canvas.
Country: United States
Site: Melissa M Conca, Abstract Arts