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These are all ORIGINAL paintings, done and signed by the artist himself. Feel free to email me to obtain an up close detailed image of the painting that interests you. These are low resolution images but I can send you the original size by email.
To view the gallery click on FULL GALLERY.
Biography: "Pierre Gr?nberg was born in Paris where he studied arts and faux-finis. He gratuated from IPEDEC, "Institut sup?rieur de peinture d?corative de Paris". Since that time, he has dabbled in a variety of arts related projects, murals and portraits.
For the last eight years, he had been practicing his art in many countries such as the US, Australia, Israel, Europe, Japan and Canada.
Having experienced the exchanges of the different cultures, he has developed his own creative paintings and prepared different exhibitions.
Pierre's art reflects his commitment on details and on quality of originality. This artist shows a vivid imagination, combined with born artistic talent along with intensive practice and real passion for art. With imagination influenced by any one of the great renaissance masters and a deep understanding of the world, his artistic statements are strong and stunning."
Country: France
E-mail: JudaicArtist@gmail.com