Learn foreign languages while watching your favorite YouTube videos!
The Language learning app is a handy set of tools that will help you improve your language skills by accessing subtitles, a built-in dictionary, and saving words and phrases you want to learn to revise.
Learning foreign languages will be an interesting and exciting experience for you!
Some of my works are clearly inspired by Picturialism; French naturalist photography but also and to a certain extent by surrealist photography and other influences. Other works are Bernd and Hilla Bechert friendly, but where they keep their entire constructions, I
prefer to select some details.What else should I say I'm a music addict, it's a perfect drug. I gave you some guidelines, but maybe I shouldn't have as I prefer people who discover on their own. Why should I help people understand?
Do we really need to explain how some pictures really move people?
Most of the time, I use several techniques; including Argentic photography and digital photography. The digital production I consider cannot and does not have to be conceived as a single pure media. Unlike artists who work exclusively on and through the Web the following works exist out of the digital system they originally came from. This way it's also possible to keep the photography for what it is. But sometimes I like to mix my photography with other techniques, such as pastel to make patchworks or collages
With this kind of language, I hope to communicate a sort of equation: in the nature, like in chemistry, nothing's really lost just transformed. The same goes for cites: it's hard to keep that irremovable, many of them are as untouchable as we may think. Also, while speaking of nature and cities, I speak also about myself, my fears among other things. I hope I'll be a little more free (insight stories)
Biography: Photography and motion picture: same as breathing like a heartbeat. More than a necessity. Somehow, it enables me to talk about my fear that torment deep inside, maybe to be more in peace with myself, and being more accepted by the others. That’s what I hope so. Anyhow, it helps to understand the world I live in. What else could I do? I have never thought of any other possibilities
Country: France
E-mail: lotusmineral@gmail.com
Site: Lotus Mineral